Doctrine And Twig Tutorial For Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 1 (Doctrine Basics)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

In this video we will be starting off from my login project to display a list of countries in the welcome page which is retrieved from a MySQL db. In this first video we well set up the doctrine part and pass the data to the twig file.

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 7 (Sessions and Encryption)

We will be creating a Login Application using Symfony 2 framework and Twitter bootstrap. This is done using Netbeans,XAMPP on windows platform. In this video we add a remember me check box to our existing form and make it work by usins sessions. In this video we also add a password encryption method so that we dont have to store the actual password

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 6 (Adding Form Validations)

We will be creating a Login Application using Symfony 2 framework and Twitter bootstrap. This is done using Netbeans,XAMPP on windows platform. In this video we use parsley javascript plugin to add form validations for both the forms.

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 5 (Adding the signup)

We will be creating a Login Application using Symfony 2 framework and Twitter bootstrap. This is done using Netbeans,XAMPP on windows platform. In this fifth video we create a signup form and create u new user using it

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 4 (Making it work)

We will be creating a Login Application using Symfony 2 framework and Twitter bootstrap. This is done using Netbeans,XAMPP on windows platform. In this we use the forms and controller created in previous video to make it work all together

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 3 (Setting up the Twigs)

We will be creating a Login Application using Symfony 2 framework and Twitter bootstrap. This is done using Netbeans,XAMPP on windows platform. In this third video we setup the twig files with twitter bootstrap

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 2 (Doctrine Setup)

We will be creating a Login Application using Symfony 2 framework and Twitter bootstrap. This is done using Netbeans,XAMPP on windows platform. In this second video we setup the database with the project and do validation using variables.

Login Application Using Symfony2 and Twitter Bootstrap Video 1

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Using Symfony2 to Connect to an Existing MySQL database

In this video I setup my netbeans symfony project with an mysql database and read data from the table

Setting up Symfony Framework in Windows using Netbeans and running a hello world project

This video shows creation of a new symfony2 project using NetBeans and running a hello world appication
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